Poloniex, Coinbase,Novaexchange,Bittrex, Debit Card, utalások,kezelések és egyéb

Indította miklos1296, december 03, 2016, 06:18:19 DÉLUTÁN

Előző téma - Következő téma

0 Felhasználók és 4 Vendégek van a témában

Melyikben bízol meg leginkább?

egyikben sem


Debit kártyában melyik a legmegbízhatóbb cég? Xapo esetleg jó lehet?


Coinbase-től kaptam e-mailt:

We wanted to give you an update on two upcoming Bitcoin forks—Bitcoin Segwit2x and Bitcoin Gold. You can read more about what a digital currency fork is here and see our prior update here.

We operate by the principle that our customers should benefit to the greatest extent possible from hard forks or other unexpected events. This is essential in our mission to make Coinbase the most trusted, safe, and easy-to-use digital currency exchange.

Bitcoin Segwit2x

The Bitcoin Segwit2x fork is projected to take place on November 16th and will result in two bitcoin blockchains. Following the fork, Coinbase will continue referring to the current bitcoin blockchain as Bitcoin and the forked blockchain as Bitcoin2x.

Any customer with a Bitcoin balance on Coinbase at the time of the fork will be credited with an equal amount of the Bitcoin2x asset on the Bitcoin2x blockchain. No action is required—we will automatically credit your account. So, if you have 5 Bitcoin stored on Coinbase before the fork; you will have 5 Bitcoin and 5 Bitcoin2x following the event.

For more information about Bitcoin2x please see our FAQ page and our blog post for a detailed timeline of events.

Bitcoin Gold

The Bitcoin Gold fork occurred on October 23rd. Information about this fork has been limited and there are concerns about its security and stability. As a result, we do not believe it is safe to allow support for Bitcoin Gold at this time. If the blockchain proves to be secure and valuable, Coinbase may choose to support it.

For more information about Bitcoin Gold please see our FAQ page.

Over the coming weeks, we will keep you updated on this event through our blog, status page and twitter.

Thank you,
Coinbase Team


Idézetet írta: Master91 Dátum október 26, 2017, 05:49:51 DÉLUTÁN
Coinbase-től kaptam e-mailt:

We wanted to give you an update on two upcoming Bitcoin forks—Bitcoin Segwit2x and Bitcoin Gold. You can read more about what a digital currency fork is here and see our prior update here.

We operate by the principle that our customers should benefit to the greatest extent possible from hard forks or other unexpected events. This is essential in our mission to make Coinbase the most trusted, safe, and easy-to-use digital currency exchange.

Bitcoin Segwit2x

The Bitcoin Segwit2x fork is projected to take place on November 16th and will result in two bitcoin blockchains. Following the fork, Coinbase will continue referring to the current bitcoin blockchain as Bitcoin and the forked blockchain as Bitcoin2x.

Any customer with a Bitcoin balance on Coinbase at the time of the fork will be credited with an equal amount of the Bitcoin2x asset on the Bitcoin2x blockchain. No action is required—we will automatically credit your account. So, if you have 5 Bitcoin stored on Coinbase before the fork; you will have 5 Bitcoin and 5 Bitcoin2x following the event.

For more information about Bitcoin2x please see our FAQ page and our blog post for a detailed timeline of events.

Bitcoin Gold

The Bitcoin Gold fork occurred on October 23rd. Information about this fork has been limited and there are concerns about its security and stability. As a result, we do not believe it is safe to allow support for Bitcoin Gold at this time. If the blockchain proves to be secure and valuable, Coinbase may choose to support it.

For more information about Bitcoin Gold please see our FAQ page.

Over the coming weeks, we will keep you updated on this event through our blog, status page and twitter.

Thank you,
Coinbase Team

Tehát akinek amennyi BTC-je van Coinbase-en annyi BTC2x-et fog kapni ? Ha jól értem..
Tudja vki  mennyit fog érni a BTC2X ?

Székely Vegán

Idézetet írta: woren Dátum október 26, 2017, 06:45:01 DÉLUTÁN
Idézetet írta: Master91 Dátum október 26, 2017, 05:49:51 DÉLUTÁN
Coinbase-től kaptam e-mailt:

We wanted to give you an update on two upcoming Bitcoin forks—Bitcoin Segwit2x and Bitcoin Gold. You can read more about what a digital currency fork is here and see our prior update here.

We operate by the principle that our customers should benefit to the greatest extent possible from hard forks or other unexpected events. This is essential in our mission to make Coinbase the most trusted, safe, and easy-to-use digital currency exchange.

Bitcoin Segwit2x

The Bitcoin Segwit2x fork is projected to take place on November 16th and will result in two bitcoin blockchains. Following the fork, Coinbase will continue referring to the current bitcoin blockchain as Bitcoin and the forked blockchain as Bitcoin2x.

Any customer with a Bitcoin balance on Coinbase at the time of the fork will be credited with an equal amount of the Bitcoin2x asset on the Bitcoin2x blockchain. No action is required—we will automatically credit your account. So, if you have 5 Bitcoin stored on Coinbase before the fork; you will have 5 Bitcoin and 5 Bitcoin2x following the event.

For more information about Bitcoin2x please see our FAQ page and our blog post for a detailed timeline of events.

Bitcoin Gold

The Bitcoin Gold fork occurred on October 23rd. Information about this fork has been limited and there are concerns about its security and stability. As a result, we do not believe it is safe to allow support for Bitcoin Gold at this time. If the blockchain proves to be secure and valuable, Coinbase may choose to support it.

For more information about Bitcoin Gold please see our FAQ page.

Over the coming weeks, we will keep you updated on this event through our blog, status page and twitter.

Thank you,
Coinbase Team

Tehát akinek amennyi BTC-je van Coinbase-en annyi BTC2x-et fog kapni ? Ha jól értem..
Tudja vki  mennyit fog érni a BTC2X ?

1000 salak körül van az elővetítés:


Idézetet írta: Székely Vegán Dátum október 26, 2017, 06:52:06 DÉLUTÁN
Idézetet írta: woren Dátum október 26, 2017, 06:45:01 DÉLUTÁN
Idézetet írta: Master91 Dátum október 26, 2017, 05:49:51 DÉLUTÁN
Coinbase-től kaptam e-mailt:

We wanted to give you an update on two upcoming Bitcoin forks—Bitcoin Segwit2x and Bitcoin Gold. You can read more about what a digital currency fork is here and see our prior update here.

We operate by the principle that our customers should benefit to the greatest extent possible from hard forks or other unexpected events. This is essential in our mission to make Coinbase the most trusted, safe, and easy-to-use digital currency exchange.

Bitcoin Segwit2x

The Bitcoin Segwit2x fork is projected to take place on November 16th and will result in two bitcoin blockchains. Following the fork, Coinbase will continue referring to the current bitcoin blockchain as Bitcoin and the forked blockchain as Bitcoin2x.

Any customer with a Bitcoin balance on Coinbase at the time of the fork will be credited with an equal amount of the Bitcoin2x asset on the Bitcoin2x blockchain. No action is required—we will automatically credit your account. So, if you have 5 Bitcoin stored on Coinbase before the fork; you will have 5 Bitcoin and 5 Bitcoin2x following the event.

For more information about Bitcoin2x please see our FAQ page and our blog post for a detailed timeline of events.

Bitcoin Gold

The Bitcoin Gold fork occurred on October 23rd. Information about this fork has been limited and there are concerns about its security and stability. As a result, we do not believe it is safe to allow support for Bitcoin Gold at this time. If the blockchain proves to be secure and valuable, Coinbase may choose to support it.

For more information about Bitcoin Gold please see our FAQ page.

Over the coming weeks, we will keep you updated on this event through our blog, status page and twitter.

Thank you,
Coinbase Team

Tehát akinek amennyi BTC-je van Coinbase-en annyi BTC2x-et fog kapni ? Ha jól értem..
Tudja vki  mennyit fog érni a BTC2X ?

1000 salak körül van az elővetítés:

Az fasza, és mehet az még feljebb is majd, pedig tagnap néztem coinmarketcapen de nem találta, köszi !
Már csak az a kérdés hogy Poloniex is adhat BTC2x-et vagy csak Coinbase, mert akkor hagynám Polon !
Te hogy csinálod Vegan ? Coinbase ?

Székely Vegán



Idézetet írta: Székely Vegán Dátum október 26, 2017, 07:02:55 DÉLUTÁN
Nemtom a polo mit fog csálni, ja én a CB-re tolom az összes BTC-met.

Utána mi várható, mit gondoltok? mindenki eladja a gold-ját?


kevéske eth-mat átváltom majd BTC-re én is, aztán majd meglátom....


Srácok akkor ha jól értem az ETH-t megéri átváltani BTC-re Coinbasen?


Erre a Bitcoin Segwit2x jóváírásra meddig kell várni? November 1 vagy 16 ?


Ő tőle is ebúcsuzunk!
Emailben jött pár perce!

Intimation of closure of Novaexchange
Kindly note "Novaexchange" will have new owners and management effective April 2018, with major upgrades to the exchange to better handle scaling, stability and security.
For better management and security of customer funds we have decided to close down Novaexchange so that the users can withdraw all their funds with no participation/responsibility of action of the new management.

Preliminary plan:
2017-10-30 This information goes public, user registration closes, addcoin page closes, disabling deposits of ETC and ETH
2017-11-30 Deposits disabled for ALL coins, all users get level 3 verified account level
2017-12-15 ONE last deposit scan to take care of deposits made after 2017-11-30
2018-01-31 Email reminder to all registered users
2018-02-28 Trading engine stops, dice game stops, API stops
2018-03-31 Login stop, website replaced with information
2018-04-15 Support closes, all Novaexchange user data removed

Remaining user balances that has not been withdrawn before 2018-04-01 will be considered a donation and is not refundable.




We have important information from Novaexchange management to share with you.
This information is sent to you since your email ( cifkamail@gmail.com ) is registered with Novaexchange.
Please also find the latest information from our news page (https://novaexchange.com/news/).

Intimation of closure of Novaexchange
Kindly note "Novaexchange" will have new owners and management effective April 2018, with major upgrades to the exchange to better handle scaling, stability and security.
For better management and security of customer funds we have decided to close down Novaexchange so that the users can withdraw all their funds with no participation/responsibility of action of the new management.

Preliminary plan:
2017-10-30 This information goes public, user registration closes, addcoin page closes, disabling deposits of ETC and ETH
2017-11-30 Deposits disabled for ALL coins, all users get level 3 verified account level
2017-12-15 ONE last deposit scan to take care of deposits made after 2017-11-30
2018-01-31 Email reminder to all registered users
2018-02-28 Trading engine stops, dice game stops, API stops
2018-03-31 Login stop, website replaced with information
2018-04-15 Support closes, all Novaexchange user data removed

Remaining user balances that has not been withdrawn before 2018-04-01 will be considered a donation and is not refundable.


Segwit2x Bitcoin Gold jóváírásról tudni már valamit ,hogy lesz-e vagy mikor lesz amiről szó volt Coinbase-en?


Idézetet írta: Franky2Ster Dátum november 01, 2017, 12:21:00 DÉLUTÁN
Segwit2x Bitcoin Gold jóváírásról tudni már valamit ,hogy lesz-e vagy mikor lesz amiről szó volt Coinbase-en?

Én úgy tudom a coinbase kiszállt a goldból de lehet rosszul vagyok informálódva..



Van valakinek tapasztalata a blockchain.info-ról?

Ezen kezdtem el gyűjteni a BTC-t és az ETH-t is. A BTC-t felhő bányászatból, az ETH-t riges bányászatból szerzem.
Először az ETH-t átváltottam BTC-re, ezenfelül még valami transfer-t is kellett csinálni, hogy az "importált" címről átkerüljön a rendes tárcába a BTC.
Amin felháborodtam, hogy közben a a közel $90-ból lett a végén $70. Levett a rendszer az átváltásért, majd levett még kb. $13-t a transzferért.

Ennek így kell működnie? Mit csinálok rosszul?
Azon gondolkodok, hogy átállok XAPO-ra, vagy valami másra, ami nem vesz le ennyi pénzt.


Na ma jött a körlevél a Coinbasetől a Segwit2x-el kapcsolatban:

We wanted to remind you that the upcoming Bitcoin Segwit2x fork is projected to take place on November 16 and will result in 2 bitcoin blockchains.

In our effort to make Coinbase the most trusted, safe, and easy-to-use digital currency exchange, we are working to ensure we maximize your benefit from this event. So, following the fork:

Any user storing Bitcoin on Coinbase at the time of the fork will be credited with an equal amount of the new Bitcoin2x asset on the Bitcoin2x blockchain. No action is required - we will automatically credit your account. If you have 5 Bitcoin stored on Coinbase before the fork, you will have 5 Bitcoin and 5 Bitcoin2x following the event.

Coinbase users will be able to trade both Bitcoin and Bitcoin2x shortly after the fork.

Coinbase will disable buys, sells, sends and receives for Bitcoin and Bitcoin2x approximately 24 hours before the fork. We will re-enable them following the fork once it's safe to do so.
For a detailed timeline of events surrounding the fork please see our blog post and FAQ.
Thank you,
Coinbase Team


sziasztok, melyik a legolcsóbb módja btc átváltásnak forintra?
8 euro egy sepa utalás a bankomnál tehát ha 1 eurot akarok utalni coinbase accountra csak azért, hogy hitelesítsem a bankszámlámat, az nekem még plusz 8 euróba kerül :-\\
ezért kérdezem, hogy van-e valami jobb megoldás?
amúgy sem túl bizalomgerjesztő ez a coinbase, kész tortúra volt mire nagy nehezen egy igazolvány fotót elfogadott szóval elég gagyinak tűnik :o



Akinek van Spectrocoin kártyája az legyen szíves ossza meg velem, mi van ,ha a kártya nincs verifikálva?
Az oldalukon verifikáltam magam, de a kártya státuszánál újra lehet verifikálni ,csak külön a kártyát.
A limitekere vonatkozó összegeket az oldalukon jelzik, de csak a verifikált kártyákra adják meg.
Kérdeztem tőlük,hogy van e értelme verifikálni a kártyát és miben tér el a nem ellenőrzött kártya, van e lifetime limit stb, de nem adtak rá választ.Annyit írtak,hogy ezt a VISA tudja,ők nem adnak felvilágosítást, de ha teljes értékű bank kártyát akarok ,akkor ellenőriztessem magam. Az oldalukon annyi van ,hogy pl Franciaország csak ellenőrzött kártyát fogad el, illetve a paypal és egyéb vásárlásos oldalak ,valamint online casino,poker stb oldalak is igénylik az ellenőrzött kártyát.
Namár most, én nem fogok ilyen oldalakat használni, csak pos terminált, akkor úgy gondolom,nem fogom megadni az adataim, ha a limitek ugyanazok, mint egy ellenőrzött kártyánál.
Tud efelől valaki valamit,akinek van ilyen kártyája?Legyen szíves válaszával segítsen.
Előre is köszönöm!
C:\> del c:\command.com


esetleg nem tudsz olyan kártyát vagy megoldást ahol nincsen átváltási költség?
ezzel a spetrocoin kártyával is minden vásárlás 3% ami azért elég sok.